Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Nine Hundred Seventy-One

July 12, 2019
1.01 Miles in 10:18
Mood: Just an abject disaster of an attempt. I was mad that my body wouldn't let me run.
Soundtrack: Ben Folds Five "The Unauthorized Biography of Reinhold Messner"

I could about a quarter mile into this abortion of a run that I was not going to get a real run in. My blood sugar was immediately low, and I was not going to have the energy to be able to do a legit run. I tried, but getting to a mile was a struggle and I knew I was finished.

I took a normal amount on insulin that morning, and then didn't take any for lunch, and I was still low all day. It was one of those weird days where insulin is just much more effective than it normally is and nothing makes sense. I was annoyed because I really wanted to get in a good run, but my body wasn't cooperating.

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